If we look around society we see mostly what we’ve been conditioned to see. For example, Mike goes to the coffee shop and sees a beautiful girl he’d love to be his girlfriend, but when her wealthy husband pulls up in his Porche 911 to pick her up he starts to believe only rich dudes get the hot girls.
Over time, if he continues to have these encounters he will have been conditioned to believe that the only way to ever get a beautiful woman is to become wealthy.
While this may sound far fetched, it’s really not and according to science, it has to do with something called the RAS (reticular activating system), which is a set of nuclei in your brain that hone in on things you have focused on and bring them to your attention.
Let’s try another example. Let’s say you bought a really cool dress shirt and your thought it was totally original, but then you started seeing in on several guys. Did they all go and buy it right when you did or were they already wearing it but you just weren’t “focused” on it.
The answer, of course, is the latter not the former. What you focus on expands due to your RAS and it’s well known in science and psychology. Fortunately, you can use this to your advantage. So instead of focusing on all the hot girls who have rich guys, you can start focusing on the hot girls who are much more likely to be with guys who aren’t superficial.
In this case you could start with a couple of simple actions:
- Look in your community Facebook pages that may have a lot of women who aren’t interested in a free ride. This could be a yoga studio, a book club, an art club, an entrepreneur group, etc. Once you locate a few of these, you can then start interacting online by befriending these people. Next, take it offline by going to events. Once you see that in fact many beautiful women are attracted to interesting guys who are not wealthy, over time your RAS will start to focus exclusively on a different type of woman – a more respectable one.
- The next option is to actively rewire this belief with a belief change. This is an in-depth process but I’ll share the 10,000-foot view so you can give it a shot.
Basically, you’ll write down your old belief – “I believe all hot girls just want a rich and good looking guy.”
Second, you’ll write down a new belief like: “I believe high-quality beautiful women are looking for more than just rich and good looking, they are looking for interesting guys.”
Third and most important of all, you will need to become this guy who is more than just rich and good looking. Obviously, this isn’t going to happen overnight.
What I suggest is if you really want to learn how to get a GF you get some coaching and step your game up. If you’re on a budget you can start with one of the best books ever written on the subject: How To Get A Girlfriend – The Ultimate Guide by Chad Scott.
As for your beliefs and rewiring your brain with a power-packed mindset that takes action automatically, like saying just the right thing when that beautiful woman just shows up out of nowhere, I recommend The Winner’s Mindset, one of the most comprehensive mental mastery programs ever created. This training program helps you install the beliefs of over 150 masters of time and experience unlimited confidence.
Wishing you the best on your journey my friend!